I forgot to bring some hydrocortisone so I needed to grab some from a local store. Luckily for me they have plenty of convenience stores in Japan. AM PM, 7-eleven, Special K and a bunch that I've never heard of, but I'm sure they probably exist somewhere in the US. Convenience stores in Japan are fairly similar to the ones in the US. Except pretty much everything is Japanese branded. Perhaps you've enjoyed a Pocky or a bag a shrimp chips and thought it was tasty. Now imagine a whole store full of such tasty treats.
Where's all the American food?
After I picked up what I was looking for, we decided to get something to eat. After wandering around Shinjuku for a little while we decided to try this place called Don Don. This place was interesting because you were supposed to order your food at a vending machine at the front of the restaurant. (Japanese people really LOVE their vending machines)
Vend me baby.
I was able to read the labels on the buttons well enough to help everyone order something appetizing. I had the chicken katsu. My companions had steak.
Gaijin use chopsticks wow!
While I was at Don Don nature called. So I got my first glimpse of a Japanese restroom.
Uh, where do I sit?
LUCKILY, I did not have to perform a number two, just a number one. So I was safe for now. Later in the hotel I was able to look up how to do it.
After the tasty meal we decided to explore Shinjuku a bit more.
Here is a video of a woman who tried her best to combat the leaves on her sidewalk with a small broom.
So what's next. How about we check out one of the many huge electronics stores we see here around Shinjuku.
Here is a quick walk through Sakuraya.
For some reason Sakuraya had a very happy girl with bunny ears for a mascot.
Wat? I b a bunny wabbit.
I wish I had video taped the little dance routine they were showing on a very nice sony lcd tv in the store. But perhaps I was too entranced.
I believe this was Yodobashi camera.
Here you can see how cool new tvs are. You can clearly see the monkeys TOW UP BOOTY in HIGH DEF.
It was here in these camera stores that we got our first taste of interesting Japanese electronics. They had phones that had 10mb internet and looked awesome. Some even ran windows mobile. UNFORTUNATELY we soon found out that most if not all of these phone would not have any hope of working in the US. SHITE! was so irritated by this fact that I silently rebelled by adding my own test text to a the bottom of a Lenovo thinkpad screen in the store.
Ha! Take that superior Japanese electronics!
I must admit I was pretty amused at what was already on the screen. haha. It was interesting seeing thinkpads in a store, usually you can only order them online in the states.
After the camera stores we wandered around aimlessly in Shinjuku. And found plenty of Engrish to enjoy!
So that about wraps up day 2. Where are the night pics you ask? Well there are none because after walking around all day we attempted to take naps and slept nearly 16 hours clear into the next day. Jet lag rules.
1 comment:
did you buy hot belly jelly?
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