But first! The stomach hungers! Time for some breakfasts somewhere. Its around 8am now. It was also cold as the depths of hades.
Yet another vending machine. This one with teas. I enjoy the strawberry tea much.
Here are some buildings in the morning.
O so THATS why everything is so clean.
Saw this while we were walking around. It was in front of a Korean BBQ place. Man those koreans are KINKY.
We ALMOST went and got some McDonald's for breakfast. I mean who could resist a MEGA EGG Sandwich?!?!
We were TRYING to find something Japanese for breakfast. On the way we saw this Karaoke place.
Why is he grabbing his balls? Must be a GREAT place to sing.
Finally after we could take no more, we decided to go to Lotteria. I had never been there before. And it seemed as good a place as any.
We had some breakfast sandwich thing there. The fries were tasty.
So after finishing the most important meal of the day. It was time to tackle the subway. Luckily I found this great site called the Tokyo Transfer Guide that showed you exactly what trains to take on what system and for how much. Very useful! I used it to figure out how to get to Daiba, which had Sega Joypolis and Muscle Park.
It was an adjustment getting used to the Japanese subway. Hitchhiking didn't seem to work...
So far so good...
This transfer point at Shiodome did not have a lot of people.
A quick clip of the ride to Daiba.
Are you SURE this is the right train?
Finally after a quick ride we arrived at Daiba station. Here is the Fuji TV Station building. I didn't know it was at the time. I was just taking a picture because it had a random ball in the the building.
Nice View!
Wait a minute... I thought we were in Japan?
There was a mall in between the statue of Liberty and the building with Joypolis in it. So we checked out a few things...
Ah those Japanese, with elevators in the backyard.
We eventually arrived at Sega Joypolis. We were there on a weekday so it was relatively empty and we were able to get in most attractions right away.
One thing that kinda got annoying is that they explained each ride every single time. Along with showing us the "if you have any medical problems you can't ride" card every single time even though we were just on the same ride.
Getting ready for a track and field game.
They sure have some GREAT attractions here at Joypolis.
There was a nice view outside.
More engrish.
After we had gone on pretty much every ride. It was time to check out the rest of the building. We went up the escalator and saw this place:
With Brad being a avid strength trainer, he got very excited! Muscle Park is a cool place with a bunch of games you can play. There is bowling, baseball, pushups, etc. I think for prizes but we sucked at all of them so we didn't win anything.
Ladies and Gentlemen we call that a whiff.
One very cool thing that they had there was a small scale Sasuke (known in the US as Ninja Warrior on G4TV) course. If you've never seen or heard of that show before, check it out here:
We of course HAD to try the course out.
A scale model of Mt. Toriyama on the show. We were too big to fit on that course.
What am I doing here? I need to hit the gym!
This guy could do the course in his sleep. :P
After embarrassing ourselves at Muscle Park we checked out more of the little shops in the building.
What is Brad's mom doing here in Japan?
This place looked like OLD SCHOOL japan.
This train made a wrong turn into the building...
After this we had some rat meat at a local restaurant and our bowels were never the same again.
Thats it for Day 3!
at least they have engrish signs up!
fail on the mini ninja warrior course. fail
Where's the video segment of Ninja Lawrence?
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